The Wuhan “lab leak” fraud: A political witch-hunt against science and public health

The Wuhan “lab leak” fraud: A political witch-hunt against science and public health

The genome of SARS-CoV-2 demonstrates it has a natural origin, whether we ever find the original virus in a wild population of animals or not. The misinformation being spread, and the scientists being vilified, over gain-of-function research has no basis in reality. A lot of scientists are, and have been for a few years now, in a very dangerous spot due to proponents of the lab leak hypothesis, as they are being accused of creating an accident that started the COVID-19 pandemic when in fact they were the proverbial firefighters working to extinguish it. It’s time to replace our conspiratorial fears with scientific truths, and to invest resources where they belong: in scientists who work to understand the Universe as it is, and to help humanity cope with the cold, hard reality that we all face. Ethan Siegel, “No, gain of function research did not cause COVID-19,” June 6, 2024

If, as the data suggest, virus emergence was associated with the wildlife trade, fur farming, or both, then this aspect of the human-animal interface, including its live animal market endpoint, should at the very least be better regulated, if not prohibited. Indeed, wildlife farming has been associated with high virus biodiversity and frequent cross-species transmission. Unless we change how we interact with wildlife, another pandemic—perhaps more substantial than COVID-19—is inevitable. Edward Holmes, “The emergence and evolution of SARS-CoV-2,” April 2, 2024, Annual Review of Virology

The recent hearings before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic on the origins of COVID-19 showed that the fringe conspiracy theory about the deadly virus being manufactured secretly in a Chinese laboratory has become the official narrative of a US-led anti-science witch-hunt.

The smear campaign against the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the scientists from the United States who were collaborating with it in vital research emerged early in the course of the COVID pandemic. It was initiated by expatriate Chinese anti-communists, promoted by the fascistic Steve Bannon, and spread widely through the racist diatribes of former President Trump. 

It has now come full circle as a political weapon to be used against anyone who propounds the origin story (universally accepted by reputable scientists) that SARS-CoV-2 emerged naturally, through a zoonotic transfer from wildlife to human beings.

Four photos taken surreptitiously at the Huanan market in Wuhan, in the section where live animals were available for sale. This is the likely starting point of the COVID-19 pandemic. [Photo by Michael Worobey, Edward Holmes, et al.]

As US imperialism beats the war drums and places China in its sights, it has ever more forcefully employed the authority of the state to legitimize the lab leak lie for the purposes of fomenting hatred and mistrust against its adversary. As part of this, its most strident anti-China warriors have effectively demanded that scientific institutions align their work with the requirements of the military-intelligence apparatus. 

This powerful pressure has already produced results, as seen by the grudging or full-throated endorsements of the lab leak theory by those who certainly know better. Dr. Francis Collins, former director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), who was instrumental in organizing the initial work on COVID and had previously denied the lab leak theory, now calls it plausible.

At the committee’s May 16, 2024, hearing, NIH Deputy Director Lawrence Tabak offered up his atonement for initially rejecting the lab leak claims in replying to the question, “Did NIH fund gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology through EcoHealth Alliance?” He answered, “it depends on your definition of gain-of-function research. If you’re speaking about the generic term, yes, we did.”

The “gain-of-function” hysteria

As we shall see, “gain-of-function” is a term with a precise meaning in scientific research in the field of virology, which has been shamelessly distorted both by the ultra-right and their liberal media allies, like the New York Times. The term should be used only to describe research that takes a virus already dangerous to human beings and investigates what possible mutations could make it more dangerous, in order to avert such dangers.

But in the parlance of the corporate media and the fascist right, any research that investigates how viruses adapt to their environment to increase infectiousness or lethality—regardless of the species of the host—is declared to be “gain-of-function” research and portrayed as a form of biological warfare. So China’s investigations of bat coronaviruses which have never affected human beings or even other mammals, become a sinister plot against the United States, and the entire human race (although the Chinese were the first victims of SARS-CoV-2!)

EcoHealth Alliance, a US-based nonprofit group that has played a leading role for decades in investigating viruses and developing scientific understanding of how to protect humanity from those which are pathogenic, has become the first major target of the McCarthyite witch-hunting spearheaded by the House committee, with the collaboration of the Biden administration.

Dr. Peter Daszak testifying before the witch-hunt subcommittee. [Photo: C-Span]

The “admissions” extracted by the committee from Collins and Tabak are completely erroneous and only provided ammunition to the unsubstantiated claims that the work done between EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology was nefarious and malicious. In fact, the longstanding collaboration between these institutions has been extremely productive and developed the scientific understanding of how the evolution of pathogens, in conjunction with human activity, creates the conditions for zoonotic jumps into human populations as seen in the emergence of a series of pandemic events, including SARS, MERS, bird flu and COVID-19. 

The NIH has defined “gain-of-function” research as research that will create new viral strains with “enhanced transmissibility or virulence” for viruses that are already “likely highly transmissible and likely capable of wide and uncontrollable spread in human populations,” and “likely highly virulent and likely to cause significant morbidity and mortality in humans.” Precisely because the work conducted by EcoHealth Alliance and WIV was done with bat coronaviruses that have never been shown to infect humans, let alone cause significant harm to people, it was not gain-of-function.

As Dr. Anthony Fauci has repeatedly testified, no gain-of-function work has been done by EcoHealth Alliance and no such work was granted approval by the NIH. No evidence to the contrary has ever been provided, only biased and unsupported opinions. But Fauci too, acting here as more the politician than a scientist, offered up his own confession that he was now “keeping an open mind” on the lab leak theory. He also agreed, most likely on advice from his attorneys and the Biden administration, that EcoHealth’s federal grants should be suspended, accepting the lies advanced by the Republicans and not demanding a plausible rationale for such severe action.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, during a hearing by the House Oversight and Accountability Committee Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, at the Capitol in Washington, Monday, June 3, 2024. [AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite]

The suspension of EcoHealth Alliance’s grants for critical research into potential pathogens could actually make another dangerous pandemic more likely. And the calls for debarment and even criminal prosecution of the group’s president, Dr. Peter Daszak, can only be characterized as the preparation for a political show trial. The accusations and insults hurled at Dr. Daszak during his appearance before the House committee, without a shred of evidence of any wrongdoings or attempts to cover up the work conducted by his organization, amount to a political inquisition.