Creating A Positive Environment For Reasonable Accommodations Requests

Creating A Positive Environment For Reasonable Accommodations Requests

Many businesses today face significant skills gaps in their workforces, making it challenging to stay competitive and grow. Shortages of experienced and motivated employees across industries can make it more difficult for companies to achieve their objectives. Individuals with disabilities who are returning to work through Social Security’s Ticket to Work (TTW) Program can help companies bridge these shortfalls. Hiring and retaining workers with disabilities who have demonstrated talent and professionalism can create a more inclusive, productive and engaged workforce beneficial to the company, the individual and all employees.

Creating a welcoming climate for employees with disabilities is key in recruiting and hiring. Managers can accomplish this by understanding and acknowledging that when Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) beneficiaries return to work, they may require special accommodations to ensure their work responsibilities are manageable. Asking for accommodations can be stressful for candidates, but with some guidance and preparation, business leaders and HR execs can foster an environment with open communication where prospective employees can comfortably make requests.

It’s important to note that the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires businesses to provide reasonable accommodations. In my experience, Ticket holders commonly ask for these types of changes when they return to work.

  • Different job tasks or reassignment to another position.
  • Reserved parking spaces.
  • Improved accessibility in a work area for ease of movement.
  • Adapted tests and training materials.
  • Adjustments to a product, equipment, or software.
  • Flexible or hybrid work schedule.

Businesses that have a clear understanding of these needs and do all they can to fulfill the requests, can provide prospective employees with an easier transition back to work, and realize benefits to their organization also.

Best Practices For Hiring And Onboarding Ticket To Work Employees

Employers can make a difference for individuals with disabilities by following best practices for hiring and onboarding. The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) outlines several valuable steps employers can take during the hiring process.

· Minimize the need for a candidate’s request by providing as much accessibility as possible. This demonstrates that you are aligned with an applicant’s needs.

· Ensure the online job postings are accessible to people using assistive devices.

· Remove barriers to asking for accommodations. Provide:

o An accommodation statement on job postings, job sites and application forms.

o Several contact methods for communicating requests (text, phone, email, chat).

o A consistent, standardized approach to interviewing to ensure equal opportunity and access.

· Be prepared for last-minute requests that may occur at the time of the interview. It is helpful to train interviewers on how to handle these types of in-the-moment requests fairly and respectfully.

Handling Onboarding Accommodations

Knowing how to handle requests for accommodations after you have hired someone is also important. If the individual did not request any changes or schedule adjustments while interviewing, they may do so during the onboarding process.

Social Security-authorized Employment Networks (EN) frequently help TTW Program participants identify and communicate their needs to their new employers after they have been hired. Here are some helpful tips also from JAN for ensuring your organization is prepared to address these requests.

· Make sure all orientation and benefit documents are accessible for new employees. Captioned videos and audio descriptions are helpful for workers who may be blind or deaf. Provide access to services such as sign language interpreters.

· Review access in common areas such as the restrooms, parking lot, break rooms and cafeteria.

· Let security personnel know if a new employee has a service animal and how they may assist with building access or creating relief areas for the animal.

· Identify the right team members to help with setting up special equipment, office space or assistive devices. This will give the employee a sense of security and confidence that they can perform the job effectively.

Create a buddy system for the new employee. Having a go-to co-worker to answer questions or help with certain requests can be very comforting to a new employee.

As more people receiving SSDI benefits return to work, with the support of an EN through the TTW Program, they can be assured that with a reasonable accommodation request, their prospective employers will listen and act accordingly. An inclusive environment empowers employees to contribute effectively while helping businesses bridge the skills gap, maintain a dynamic workforce, and achieve sustained growth.